Report Extremism & Authoritarianism to the World

At World Anti Extremism Network, we believe that individuals have the power to drive change and expose extremism and authoritarianism in all its forms. That’s why we’ve created the “Report Extremism & Authoritarianism to the World” platform, a safe and confidential space for you to share crucial information and be a part of our global mission for a freer and more peaceful world.

Your Voice Matters: Your unique perspective and insights are invaluable. By reporting extremism and authoritarianism, you contribute to a global dialogue that challenges these issues and seeks solutions. Your voice can inspire change.

Global Impact: The information you provide will not go unnoticed. WAEN actively engages with reported issues on the global stage, discussing them at our annual conferences and incorporating them into our annual reports. Your input informs our efforts to combat extremism and authoritarianism.

Confidentiality & Security: We take your safety seriously. Rest assured that your identity will be kept confidential, and your security is our priority. We use advanced encryption and security measures to protect your information.

To report, you may complete our online form, and we will get back to you promptly. Your courage and commitment matter, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Join us in the fight for a more peaceful and democratic world.